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Which is better, dumbbell bench press or barbell bench press?


Which is better, dumbbell bench press or barbell bench press? Please see the following 3 points:

1. If you want to stimulate the chest muscles more deeply, then the dumbbell bench press is better than the barbell bench press.

Because the dumbbell bench press can put less pressure on the shoulders, doing heavy weights is less likely to hurt the shoulders. Also, in the free bench press, the advantage of the dumbbell bench press over the barbell bench press is that it can be lowered to a very low position, which can fully stretch the chest muscles and give the chest muscles the deepest stimulation.


2. If you want to improve muscle strength, the barbell bench press is better than the dumbbell bench press.

Because the barbell bench press can use a larger weight, it has an advantage in low-rep, focused muscle training. Generally, the dumbbell bench press is one-third to one-half lighter than the barbell bench press.


3. If you are pursuing the stability of the movement, the barbell bench press is better than the dumbbell bench press under the same weight. 

Because it is easier to master the balance of barbell bench press with a long cross bar than grabbing dumbbells with two hands. The dumbbell bench press requires more force to stabilize the dumbbells to maintain balance.

In general, these two movements are very good, and for those who practice chest muscles, these two movements must be practiced. Because they each have their own advantages, please change the movements according to your own training needs, so that your training effect will be improved to a higher level.



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